Personal, Social and Health Education
It is our intent that we provide a Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum that successfully develops the qualities that our pupils require to flourish in our society. This includes raising awareness of current affairs and/or issues that our pupils are facing. Also, by providing opportunities to work as part of a team and by challenging pupils in order to develop their resilience and perseverance.
Throughout the curriculum, pupils are provided with opportunities to deepen their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. This includes using current affairs and cultural experiences to enable them to become thoughtful and caring citizens within school, and within society. An example of this is pupils visit different places of worship allowing them to be reflective of their own beliefs and respectful of others. Opportunities are also planned throughout the curriculum for pupils to develop a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them and for them to use their imagination and creativity in their learning.
As a result of robust curriculum provision, pupils have a good understanding of, and are able to discuss/ debate confidently about, how to keep safe, including their understanding of e-safety and different forms of bullying. Pupils have an age-appropriate weekly debating session linked areas such as British Values, inclusivity and mental health. This is linked to a key issue in the news and further develops their cultural development, understanding of the world, their moral development and how to keep safe. For example, children investigate the issue of radicalisation.
At Southmere Primary Academy, the PSHE curriculum including RSHE (Relationship, Sex and Health Education-Statutory from September 2020) is taught using the Jigsaw Whole School Approach to PSHE. Jigsaw holds children at its heart and aims to equip them for happy, healthy lives and to be effective learners.
The aim is to support children to feel a strong sense of belonging and community by taking part in whole-school assemblies, end of puzzle outcomes, displays and whole class lessons, to bring the learning alive through weekly celebrations to make it lived across the school community and in children’s lives outside of school.
As we discuss topics that are part of our every day lives we do so with a mindful approach and a safe and caring environment. Our Jigsaw Charter supports us as we discuss these topics.
Jigsaw is a carefully thought-through progressive programme with a full set of attainment descriptors for children at different ages across school and an assessment process embedded throughout.
Please see the below parent leaflets and curriculum overviews to find out more about Jigsaw and to see which Personal, Social and Health Education/Relationship, Sex and Health Education topics your child will cover in their year group.
The following documents may be used to help parents and carers understand the DfE 2019 requirements for RSHE, and how Jigsaw approaches the potentially sensitive subject of RSHE and LGBTQ, and what parents can and cannot withdraw their child from.
RSE Consultation 2023
Please join us on Tuesday 17th January at 9am in the Main Hall for a parents information about the RSE curriculum. See this weeks Newsletter (Week 15/06.01.23) for more information.