Home Learning

Home Work Menu

Each half term you will receive a homework menu with activities to choose from linked to your topics. You will choose at least one activity a week and either record in your homework book, bring in the item you have made or post in your Class Dojo portfolio.

The Homework Menu will be in your homework book and also posted on Class Dojo.


You will have a reading book and a reading record in your Book Bag, please ensure you read every night and ask your parents to record in your Reading Record, or mark that you have read yourself.

If you are in Key Stage 2, here is the link for Reading Plus for you to access more books and reading activities. Sometimes your teacher will set work for you on here.

Phonics Information Videos for Parents/Carers


Year 1

Spellings and Times Tables

Spellings will be sent home on a Friday for testing on the following Friday.

You can also practise your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars, please click on the link below to login in.

The Sound Check and Studio games are particularly helpful for showing progress to your teacher. Login for the apps can be found in your Reading Record.

If you need any help login in to the apps make sure you ask your teacher.