Personal Development

Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Curriculum
At Delta, we want all of our pupils to become the very best people they can be. We want them to:
•become well-rounded, knowledgeable citizens who are as well prepared as possible for life ahead
•recognise and celebrate their own uniqueness and that of others
•be proud of who they are
•confidently communicate their knowledge, views and dreams effectively.
Our personal development offer and personal, social and health education curriculum provide opportunities and learning to help our pupils achieve these ambitions. Our offer opens up a wide range of opportunities, experiences and activities that pupils can take part and achieve in, that will help them to gather opinions about, and make informed choices about, the world around them.
We want our pupils to communicate confidently in our ever-changing world. We focus on developing pupils’ moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding so that they are well-prepared for life in modern Britain. We carefully plan the essential knowledge that pupils need to become educated citizens in an ever-changing world. We aim to introduce them to the best that has been thought and said and intend to stimulate an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.
Our PSHE and RSE curriculum helps pupils to understand how to keep themselves safe. Pupils can explore and debate issues which affect our local community and wider society. These include internet safety, CSE, radicalisation and knife crime. We want pupils to be aspirational and make good choices. We want them to understand what they need to do to reach and succeed in the careers to which they aspire.
Pupils know how to keep physically and mentally healthy, eat healthily and maintain an active lifestyle. We help our pupils to be active by providing many different opportunities during and after school.
All pupils experience a rich Personal, Social, Health Education and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural curriculum, including British values and Relationship and Sex Education. We teach these aspects of the curriculum through the Jigsaw PSHE Programme.
Jigsaw PSHE
Delta Stars
Delta Stars is our wider personal development offer. It is a series of progressive events and activities across 16 strands that help pupils become well-rounded, knowledgeable citizens who are as well prepared as possible for life ahead.

Each time a child completes an activity, they receive a star card.
The minimum achievement of 6 stars achieves a bronze shiny star card.
If a pupil achieves 9 stars, they will receive a silver shiny star card.
If a pupil earns 12 stars, they will achieve the ultimate gold shiny star card.
When a card is awarded, a personalised comment or photograph is added to the back of the card by the pupil or an adult as an individual record of achievement.

Delta Stars Launch
We launched our Delta Stars Curriculum with an exciting assembly and activities