Academy Council and Pupil Voice

The Academy Council are democratically elected by their class members. Each child who would like to be a member of the council presents a manifesto that tells their class why they would like to be an Academy Councillor and the rest of the class then vote for the children that they would like to represent them on the council.

Our Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to become a Head Pupil. Children who are interested in this post must write a manifesto and present this in a whole school assembly. The whole school community will then vote for the pupils they think are the best candidates. There are 2 Head Pupil posts. These pupils will run the Academy Council Meetings, direct younger members and ensure that the Council carry out their role to the best of their ability.

The Academy Council meet weekly to discuss current objectives and plan new ventures. The also meet with members of the community, including local PCSO’s and Neighbourhood Wardens. After the meetings the Academy Council feedback to their peers in class to inform them of their objectives for the next few weeks.

Academy Council Members 2024-2025

Head Pupil: Mufliha
Head Pupil: Taniya
Deputy Head Pupil: Sumaira
Deputy Head Pupil: Inayya
Year 1R Academy Councillor: Layla
Year 1A Academy Councillor: Ferko
Year 2K Academy Councillor: Ismaeel
Year 2IG Academy Councillor: Solomon
Year 3J Academy Councillor: Connor
Year 3B Academy Councillor: Zakariya
Year 4K Academy Councillor: Ayesha
Year 4M Academy Councillor: Phoenix
Year 5K Academy Councillor: Enoch
Year 5M Academy Councillor: Zahra

Pupil Voice

At Southmere Primary Academy, pupil voice is very important. We encourage pupils to take an active part in school life and their own learning. We also ask pupils about their learning experiences and this helps us design their education to to match their needs.

Children are aware that this is their school and they are involved in decision making. This means all adults receive feedback on how our pupils perceive their lessons and environment and the impact this has on their learning.

Pupil Voice is taken by children often meeting with teachers and leaders to discuss their learning. They are involved in pupil interviews and questionnaires in which they talk about their experiences. This helps teachers to tailor their learning and get feedback.

We are developing a Restorative Practice Approach which supports children in accepting each others point of view and move towards reconciliation along with our work using the Thrive Approach this is aimed at developing children’s Personal, Social and Emotional Wellbeing.

The Academy Council meet each week. In their meetings they discuss any comments that have placed in the suggestion boxes in their classrooms. They also discuss the findings of any questionnaires they have sent out about school. Their findings are noted in the Pupil Self Evaluation Form that is attached below. The Senior Leadership Team then meet to discuss the Academy Council suggestions and feedback in assemblies about the actions which have been taken.